What is formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound (VOC) that exists as a gas at room temperature. It has many uses, but the majority of the formaldehyde produced is used in chemical production. It is used to produce the thermosetting resins found in composite wood.

How does formaldehyde affect human health, according to the WHO?

Formaldehyde is an allergen that is highly irritating to the skin, eyes, throat and nose. Furthermore, in 2004 the WHO recognized formaldehyde as a carcinogen. That is why EU regulations limit emissions of this chemical from composite wood panels to 0.10 ppm.

Are we safe from air pollution when we are at work or at home?

On average we spend 90% of our lives indoors. Due to poor air circulation, concentrations of pollutants are 15 times higher indoors than outdoors. One of these pollutants, formaldehyde, is found in 100% of homes.

What raw materials does Evertree use to produce bio-based resins?

Evertree solutions are plant-based, sourced from oilseeds like rapeseed and sunflowers. The oil contained within these seeds is extracted through a process known as crushing, after which the resulting oilcakes are collected and used to produce bio-based adhesive solutions.

Where do the raw materials Evertree uses to produce bio-based resins come from?

In Europe, the rapeseed and sunflower seeds Evertree uses come from French farms, in an effort to keep transport-related CO2 emissions to a minimum.


What is the oilseed crushing process?

Crushing is the first step of the process by which cooking oils are produced from oilseeds (primarily sunflowers and rapeseed). It involves crushing and pressing the seeds. The solid residue from the process is known as oilcake.

Where are Evertree solutions produced?

Evertree is based in Venette, in the Oise department. The oilcakes we use are sourced from the Avril Group crushing plants located in Bassens in the Gironde department and Le Mériot in the Aube department. In Europe, the plant-based resin produced by Evertree is both bio-based and 100% made in France.


Do the bio-based wood panels bonded using Evertree resin smell different than a standard wood panel?

The strong “new smell” that most furniture made from pressed wood gives off for many months is actually the smell of formaldehyde. Evertree resin is formaldehyde-free and therefore produces no odor.

When was the first Evertree application launched?

Evertree, in association with Panneaux de Corrèze, launched the first application of this bio-based adhesive solution in 2021. MDF Green by Evertree is the first high-performance, bio-based composite wood panel that is 100% made in France.

Resin makes up what percentage of a composite wood panel?

Composite wood panels are 85-90% wood shavings and 10-15% resin. The fact that an estimated 45 million cubic meters of wood panels are produced in Europe means that three million tons of resin are consumed each year.

What advantages does composite wood have over solid wood?

Thanks to its manufacturing process, composite wood is isotropic: its technical properties are the same in all directions, making it easier to work with than solid wood, which has a grain to contend with.

Is composite wood environmentally friendly?

MDF panels are made from wood shavings and small trees that cannot be used as solid wood. When this resource optimization is combined with a plant-based resin bonding process, the resulting composite wood is a high-performance, environmentally friendly product that is consistent with sustainable development principles.


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